Wednesday 31 October 2012

My Questionnaire

To begin my research, I decided to create a questionnaire to find out some basic information on how often and why people buy music magazines. I made my questionnaire on the website Survey Monkey, and passed it on using social networking such as twitter. To complete the questionnaire, visit this link or scan the QR code below.

Looking at the results I have collected so far, I found an interesting response regarding which features would attract the audience to a front cover of a magazine. As the results below show, the main features attracting the audience are the main image and interview, as well as other factors such as freebies, posters and the price. From this research, I know I must pay attention to making my main interview interesting and something the audience will want to read, and using a high quality and appealing photo on my front cover. I must also choose a genre carefully, to make sure my magazine cover follows conventions for that genre and appeals to the audience who follow that type of music.

I have also noticed a growing percentage of respondents answered that they never buy music magazines. This has given me the idea to create an unconventional magazine, to give my target audience another option other than the conventional genres and styles aimed at them. I would like to create a folk/indie magazine aimed at teenagers as well as a classical music magazine aimed at an audience in their 20s. This would give my magazines a unique selling point, and give them a good name for themselves rather than just slotting into a common, conventional genre.

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